The Early Years

The corsetier Johann Gottfried Spiesshofer and the merchant Michael Braun found the corsetry firm Spiesshofer & Braun. With six sewing machines and six employees, they begin corsetry production in a barn in Heubach (southern Germany). Within a few years the firm expands to already 150 employees.Belle Époque - every woman wants to look like the EmpressRoyal lacing. The Bust and the bottom are accentuated, the waist and the hips are tightly pulled into shape, in line with the ideal of regal beauty during the time of the German Empire.

Spiesshofer and Braun recognise the need for a memorable brand name that will be understood wherever it is used. Inspired by the Paris Arc de Triomphe – “Triumph” becomes the new brand name. The company quickly reaches the position of the leading lingerie manufacturer in Europe.„Golden Twenties“ - Chic and SophisticatedThe “Golden Twenties”. Lighter corsets are modernised and the success story of the bra begins. Triumph successfully manufactures products with ever-fewer seams. Fashion becomes more affordable and more natural.

Triumph establishes its first branch abroad, in the Zurzach region of Switzerland. In the Olympic year of 1936, the company proudly celebrates its 50th birthday.Stylish Elegance – a return to form and traditionGoodbye to the bob and the boyish figure. After the global economic crisis of 1929, the zeitgeist changes. Stylish elegance replaces sophisticated chic. Triumph launches the corselette, the first strapless corset, and further innovations such as first bras with front fastenings and changeable straps.